Create Your Own Opportunity

Life is a long winding road that sometimes feels confusing, uncertain, exhilarating, and fun all at once, am I right or am I right?! Paving your own way can be intimidating, but girl, if you’re reading this, my guess is that you my friend have a soul that’s on fire for something…. And it’s time to let it shine.

Creating your own opportunity can be a scary thing. We talk about it a lot on Fit Friends Happy Hour, and have interviewed a ton of killer female entrepreneurs. But how do actually get the nerve to create your opportunity, especially amidst roadblocks and doors closing?

daily motivation

Through our conversations with so many of these women, a few themes came to mind. The first is that a door will likely close at some point…. But it’s really just an opening for another opportunity. There will most certainly be roadblocks on your journey, so you might want to just expect it. When I talked with The Traveling Sports Dietician aka Sami Fuhrmann, she told me all about the crazy obstacles she had to overcome to get to her dream job. 

Sami took the opportunities she was given and made lemonade out of lemons, and instead of shutting down once a door closed, she looked for creative ways to keep going. She even says herself, she wanted to love her job and not feel like she was working every day, so she got creative and remained resilient.

Even I myself had some roadblocks when I didn’t get matched for a Dietetic internship right away, and failed my personal training exam AND RD exam… twice. Instead of giving up, I dug deeper, studied more, got creative, and continued to push forward. Now I own my own virtual private practice and am 100% on her own schedule (this didn’t happen by chancd).


The next theme is If you don’t take the risk, you’ll never know what it could be. As much as we’d all like to wave a magic wand and know exactly how everything will turn out, we can’t. But if we stay still in fear of trying, we won’t end up getting anywhere close to where we want to be. The risk can prove to be worth it, trust me.

The last, and most obvious theme, is that everyone we’ve chatted with has been full of passion for their specific arena… and it’s super freaking cool. If you have passion, you have the energy you need to create your own opportunities. You have the power to make it happen because of the love and dream you have behind it. 

Don’t forget, your heart has a lot to do with chasing your dreams. Good luck, you’ve got this!

PS - it’s possible to set crazy cool goals when you can stop dieting and start living. Want to learn how? Schedule a free 30-minute strategy call here.